Show us your traders!
Basically, you find pins in the db that you have for trade or sale and mark that you have them for trade or sale.
Sometime on August 1(to the best of our ability), entries will be locked in. Entries will be generated, 1 entry for every 5 traders that every user has in the system. If your pin doesn't exist in the database yet feel free to add it. The user who uploads the first pic uploaded to each pin (essentially create the pin and upload the first pic) will be awarded with 1 gold balloon which can be redeemed later for future contests or other goodies.
New Note: If you have pins for sale that works too just enter how many you have for trade/sale, check that you have 1 for sale, and enter your sale price.
- You must have, and be willing to trade, every pin on your traders list. If you trade or sell a pin before August 1 please remove it from your trader list.
- All traders in the system when the locked list is generated on Aug 1 will be counted. The list will not be generated before August 1 at Midnight pst.
- List will have a numerical id for every entry. Winner will be calculated by a random number generator in the forum chatroom.
- Winner will be notified by the email they provided to the forum during registration, or if no email was supplied they will be notified by forum PM. They will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
- PTDB OWNERS are not eligible. Everyone else is, even regular mods. We feel the process is transparent enough to not disqualify mods and friends and family.
- Please don't cheat. IPs will be monitored for fake accounts, and the winner will be required to provide photo proof of all the traders they have.
- These rules are subject to change. I just made them up this morning and it's my first contest.