I will get started!
Hi, I am Kristine. And I am a psycho pin addict. lol On DPF I am psycho pixie, and on pinpics I am kadair76.
I collect disney pin themes:
~ and stuff for my girls.
Now its your turn. Introduce yourself!
Hello! I'm Meghan and my username on the other pin sites is MegglesM. I collect pins and other disney collectibles (primarily dolls but also ornaments, snowglobes, and random things).
I mostly collect the following themes:
The Little Mermaid
and a little bit from all other Disney fairy tale/ myth based movies
Who's next?

I'm Nick or StitchinWonderland!
My pin pics is StitchinWonderland too
I collect
-Wreck it Ralph
-Alice and Wonderland
and Marquees and PTD!
Also adding Frozen when the movie comes out!
Hey Everyone!
I'm Liz
I collect-
Cute Characters
And some Alice pins
Hey guys ^-^
I collect Stitch, BaTB, TLM, Jessica, and Brave.
I will get my pinpics set up shortly.
Hi guys. My name is Marcia. I was known as Dumbolover21 on DPF.
My PinPics is Marcia2209
I mainly collect a little of everything but DUMBO has my heart!!! [=
I look forward to being active on here!! [=
Everyone knows my name
I collect Mulan, Belle, Giselle, Rapunzel, Little Green Men, Star Wars, Mickey & Minnie as couples, Asian pins, and more!
Hi, all! I'm Carla and I'm cjvandever on DPF, Pin Talk and Pinpics. I collect Mulan, Paris PTN/PTE and Characters in Sorcerer Hats. It's nice to have another place to talk and trade!
Hello all my name is Linda also known as fuzzybunny on Pin Pics and DPF
Characters I like are;
Cheshire cat
or any pin that looks different and cool
My most holy grail is the Snow White PODM
hope to see you all around
Judy/Tiggermickey on Pinpics/Facebook and DPF~Correspondent
I like onions

I'm excited about this!
Hi I'm Saphenous on DPF, and Pinpic's.
I collect Rabbits, rats and mice (non mickey/minni).
Hi all! I'm Isabel - imp on PP, DPF & PT. I live in Canada. My husband and I are DVC owners, and we visit WDW at least once or twice a year, sometimes 3 or 4 times a year ...this year will be my record: 6 times in a 12-month period. I collect Haunted Mansion, Maleficent, NBC, and some HKDL and TDL pins.
I just found this place and I'm still figuring it out ...can I link my Pinpics ID?
Hi everyone
I am Janice- Jrdnsmom same on DPF and on Pinpics well everywhere LOL. I collect too many but my top 5 are
Si and Am
Sleeping Beauty
my son Jordan collects
Pirates and trains
and we share 1 that would be
Haunted Mansion

I'm Emily and I'm maxtrexmom on DPF and Pin Talk. I saw a link to this site while checking the DPF FB page to see if anyone knew when it would be back. I saw some familiar usernames so I thought I would join the fun!
I mostly collect:
Phineas and Ferb
Chip and Dale
Star Wars
Haunted Mansion with cute characters
Of course, my wants list has TONS of stuff that doesn't fit into any of those categories, but those are the main ones.
And here is what my kids collect:
My oldest son(almost 9) collects Pluto and other Disney Dogs, cool Mickey icons, and he says he wants to start an Up collection but I told him he has to get a job first, lol!
My younger son (6) collects penguins, Toy Story (especially LGM), and Stitch.
My daughter (2 and a 1/2) is too little for pins but she loves Phineas and Ferb and Minnie Mouse.
Hiya I'm Mary-Lou, agentofanarchy everywhere. I collect anything I can get my hands on to do with hercules
Hello Ladies and Gentleman of DPB!
My name is Connie. My user name on the Disney Pin Forum and Pin Talk WAS "Kiras_Grandmother."
I have now changed it to "Connies_Hobby."
Here's a little about ME
I have been been collecting/trading/selling Disneyana pins for the last 5 years. This lobby is a constant learning curve for me, which is GREAT.
My primary collections are Minnie Mouse, Cheshire Cat, AiW, and "My-princess-of-choice" -Belle.
I live 15 minutes west of Disneyland, and fortunately am an annual pass holder. So, time allowing, I try and get to the park at least once a week to trade. I also trade online.
My 5 year journey has allowed me to make some awesome friendships; attend numerous pin trading parties/events, and built an AWESOME pin collection.
This hobby has been such fun. The only draw back, it's addicting and can get expensive.
My advice to new traders....something a very knowledgeable pin seller/trader gave me "pick one or two characters, and stick with them. Otherwise you'll end with with a lot of pins you might get stuck with". That was VERY good advise, and I have tried hard to practice it.
If I may be of assistance to any trader with a pin I have in my collection (my pin pics user name is: crginoc2001; my lists are not current, I apologize for that; too many pins and not enough time -lol), or assist with answering a question, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a MAGICAL Pin Trading Journey!~
Warm Regards,
Helllo everyone!
We are Hollie and Karl we are also fireheadfred on DPF and jammyjimjams on pinpics
I Myself (Hollie) collects Tangled and Ariel pins, thinking about starting a 3rd
Karl collects Aurora and Prince Phillip, Black Cauldron, Sword in the Stone and has now decided to start a Treasure Planet and Atlantis pin
I also collect anything and everything tangled.
We love talking and making new friends

Hi guys

I'm Erika, crushedbubbles on DPF and pintalk along with pinpics. I collect TLM, tangled, wreck it ralph, and it's a small world

glad to see you all here

My name is Adriana, but feel free to call me Adrianne if we ever meet in real life

I don't consider myself a trader, but more of a "collector," and I'll use that term lightly...
The pins I collect are usually pretty, sparkly, and big! But anything that catches my interest will eventually end up in my collection.
-Jasmine (recent)
-Tiana and Naveen (in the future)
-Jessica Rabbit
-Some PTDs
-Random pins that contain balloons, scenery, or DAs
I don't intend to collect every single pin from either subject, but just the ones I really fancy.
My biggest wish would be for Disney Soda Fountain to release pins about any of the Studio Ghibli films, or Kingdom Hearts. Especially any in PTD, Marquee, or BT forms. I love Hayao Miyazaki's interpretation of the stories.... </rambles>
Hopefully I'll be able to meet more people on this forum than the other! BUT if the other forum does come back, please feel free to message me if we become online buddies

or add me on tumblr!