09-04-2013, 02:14 PM
Would you like to have a "pin Gather" in your area?
Not sure how to get started?
This thread will help you get the basics nailed down so YOU can start hosting trade events in your region! I have assisted in setting up numerous events for a couple different non profit groups, and I think the basics listed below will help you succeed with your pin gather.
Before you decide to have a DPBB pin gather, there are a couple questions you should ask.
- Is there interest from others? Enough people in your area to make it work? For a pin trade gather, you would want at least 5-10 people
- Do you want to host it or are you just wanting to participate? If you do not wish to be the host, do you know someone willing?
Once you know there is interest, it is time to set it up.
- location location location. Do you want the Gather to be a paying event at a restaurant or venue? Do you want to host it at your home? You need to find a place that has enough room for everyone attending to have space to set the trade books up, and for socialization and hang out space as well.
- Date. a date should be set far enough out in advance to allow everyone wishing to attend time to schedule it. I would advise 2 months in advance.
- Time. folks often do not consider this. Based on the duration of the event and what time it is set for, you may need to feed your attendee's.
~Events scheduled from say, 1pm-5pm do not need food, but again, snacks and drinks are a good idea.
~Events scheduled during meal times should at least have snacks available. Or even make it a potluck! Potlucks are a great way to get your attendee's to be move involved.
- RSVP is important. If there is a limit to the number of folks that can attend due to venue size, OR if it a paying event, make sure you announce that in your event notice. Also clearly state deadlines for the RSVP.
Make the announcement for the set date!
- post it on the DPBB calendar.
- make a thread here in the pin gatherings Forum.
- ensure you have a confirmed attendance list, either on the thread, or privately so that you know who is going to make it.
- Check the thread daily and update it regularly. Announce it again once the date gets close.
If you would like to add anything, reply here and we can add the information!!!