Is anyone else having issues trying to upload information about new pins to the database? Or just adding new pins period? Every time I try I get an error page. Are only specific people allowed to upload pins now?
I just joined a few days ago.
I too am having difficulty. There are 4 pins I have that I am certain are not on the database.
(01-20-2018, 11:33 AM)flufficorn Wrote: [ -> ]I just found Zotrim here and joined a few days ago.
I too am having difficulty. There are 4 pins I have that I am certain are not on the database.
I tried adding a pin and had the same issue. I thought it was something on my end though, but apparently is a wider issue. I hope it gets fixed.
I had this issue too! The way I got around it was making sure that if I didn't know the price, I put a 0 in that box. Also with the amount of pins available I put a 0 in the box and then changed whether it was an open edition etc. If you read the error message that pops up, it might say where the error is occurring. Hope that helps!
My gosh, that worked!! Putting a 0 in the price box somehow let the form go through. I could then easily edit the pin info and put in the price. Thank you!!
The error establishing a database connection error basically means that for some reason or another the PHP code was unable to connect to your MySQLdatabase to retrieve the information it needs to fully build that page.
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The reasons set forth above are why you cannot add pins to the database.
Put a price down, even if you don't know it.
Send a PM to admin/moderators and it can be fixed.
PM to ryan or starry_solo