
Edition SizeLimited Edition 1000
Release Date11/01/2019
Retire DateUnknown!
Original Price$17.99
KeywordsFab 5
GimmicksPin On Pin
AP/PPAPs Exist, PPs Exist
Added ByScooterPeppe
DescriptionThis holiday pin from Aulani shows a tropical Mickey and Minnie Mouse. They are building a sand snowman outside of Aulani resort.

Minnie is wearing a blue and white long sun dress, with pink heels and a light pink flower in her hair. Mickey is wearing a blue shirt, white capris, a red beaded necklace, green flip flops, and a Santa hat. He is playing a green ukulele while Minnie works on the sand snowman.

The snowman has a green top hat with mistletoe, pink ear muffs, a red and pink lei, and has shells for the traditional nose and buttons. Near the bottom of the snowman sits a pink present.

The blue Aulani resort is in the background, as well as a blue palm tree. Seashells line the sidewalk around Mickey and Minnie.

The bottom right of the pin reads "MELE KALiKiMAKA" in white.

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