
Edition SizeLimited Edition 400
Release Date09/08/2023
Retire Date09/08/2023
Original Price$29.95
OriginD23, Other
GimmicksPin On Pin
AP/PPAPs Exist, PPs Exist
Added ByTheMickeyMouseRules
DescriptionDEC - Windows of Wonder - Wendy

Wendy (Peter Pan) in her blue dress (tiara in hair) is standing at the house window. There are open doors behind her. The walls behind her are grey. Tinker Bell (fairy) is under the window ledge. There is a brown and green tree.

Pin was released via Random Selection Process (RSP) to attendees at Destination D23. This limited edition pin is Item #12 on the RSP.

Pin on Pin
Hard Enamel Pin
Laser Printed Details
Gold Base Metal

- 2 posts
- DEC logo
- LE
- copyright
- China
- lightly textured surface
- gold finish

Pins in this series: 53451, 53452, 53453, 53454, 53455, 53456, 53457, 53458, 53459, 53460, 53461, 53462

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