
Edition SizeOpen Edition
Release Date01/01/2022
Retire DateUnknown!
Original Price$0.00, DSUK/Europe, DLR/DCA, WDW, Other
KeywordsFab 5
Added ByTheMickeyMouseRules
DescriptionMultiple - Tuxedoed Mickey Mouse

Pin featuring a kneeling Mickey Mouse wearing a tux version of his red pants and yellow shoes. He also sports a white shirt or vest, yellow bow tie, black jacket and white gloves. Along the bottom is the word "MICKEY" in red glitter.

Exact release date is unknown. Back of the pin used to create this listing is dated 2022. There could have been earlier runs of this open edition pin.

Exact location where this pin was for sale is unknown. Please comment with any background.

- 1 Posts
- 2 nubs
- 3 boxes (FAC, DPT, Copyright/China)
- Mickey icon waffle pattern
- silver finish

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