
Edition SizeLimited Edition 250
Release Date01/04/2024
Retire DateUnknown!
Original Price$32.00
GimmicksGlitter, Pin On Pin
AP/PPAPs Exist, PPs Exist
Added Bystarry_solo
DescriptionUncas International - WALL•E with Fire Extinguisher

Description from Disney Pins Blog DPB, which is the exclusive retailer of this pin:

Blast into the new year! Here is a look at our new WALL-E Fire Extinguisher pin release at DPB Store! Limited edition of 250 and the retail price is $32. It is about 3” in size. Exclusive to Disney Pins Blog, officially licensed by Disney.

It also comes on our custom “cork board style” backer card.

This pin features a pin-on-pin design with glitter embellishments. Hard enamel and has a silver tone finish. About 3” in size. Made from recycled metal. Please note the edition size is not stamped on the back of this pin.