
Edition SizeLimited Edition 2250
Release Date12/06/2022
Retire DateUnknown!
Original Price$19.99
GimmicksPin On Pin
AP/PPAPs Exist, PPs Exist
Added Bysplashmtnman
DescriptionDLR - Character Gift Boxes - Big Hero 6

This is the twelfth (12) and final pin released in the Character Gift Box monthly pin collection for 2022 at Disneyland.

This pin set features superhero Baymax and items from the Disney animated film, "Big Hero 6" which the first Disney animated feature film to star characters from Marvel Entertainment, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team

The box includes a San Fransokyo School of Technology card, a roll of scotch tape, Tadashi's baseball cap with a red-and-gold San Fransokyo Ninjas lettering, Baymax's healthcare and karate memory chips, Hiro's fighterbot evilface, Dr.Baymax lollipop, and some microbots on both sides.
The top/bottom of the box is blue marbled inlays with brown metal, held together by pieces of gray scotch tape.

The tiny mini Baymax pin (in his red protective armor) is a pin-on-pin which is removable.