Milestone 4 Giveaway
Help us achieve the next milestones. This contest will trigger whenever ONE of the following milestones are reached:
- 50000 pins with pictures (current: 55367)
- 15000 users (current: 14584)
- 3000 facebook likes (current: )
7 days after the contest triggers, a random drawing will be held. Entries will cost 1 gold balloon each, up to a maximum of 25 entries per person. Ballons are awarded by uploading the first image to a pin, or by creating or entering trade auctions.
What's the prize anyway?
Meet PrizePool. It's a user account managed by the admins. Admins can make trades from it between contests. Users can also donate pins to PrizePool in exchange for balloons. Whenever anyone wins a contest, they will have a choice of one of PrizePool's traders.
- List will have a numerical id for every entry. Winner will be calculated by a random number generator in the forum chatroom.
- Winner will be notified by the email they provided to the forum during registration, or if no email was supplied they will be notified by forum PM. They will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
- PTDB OWNERS are not eligible. Everyone else is, even regular mods. We feel the process is transparent enough to not disqualify mods and friends and family.
- Please don't cheat. IPs will be monitored for fake accounts.
- These rules are subject to change. I just made them up this morning and it's only my fifth contest.